Survey Design and Implementation
    Sam Cutting

    For more information, contact Sam Cutting.

    Survey Design and Implementation

    Christensen Associates augments survey design and implementation expertise in data collection with rigorous data analysis. As a result, Christensen Associates is able to provide comprehensive services for projects requiring primary data collection and analysis.

    Our quantitative data collection experience includes mail surveys, telephone surveys, in-person interviews, electronic surveys, and mixed-mode surveys. Our staff has handled all aspects of the design and implementation of both qualitative and quantitative data collection, including sample design, instrument design, and pre-testing through final implementation.

    Christensen Associates also offers comprehensive data analysis services. These range from the preparation of simple data summaries (cross tabulations and frequencies) to sophisticated regression analyses, including discrete choice analysis and the analysis of conjoint data.

    Sam Cutting

    For more information, contact Sam Cutting.

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